
Summer Program Enrichment Classes 2009

Beginning Monday, June 22nd, we offer wonderful enrichment classes for all kids that come to our summer program!

Dance Class
Have your child join this fun-packed tap dance class and learn tap steps and routines in a noncompetitive atmosphere!
The instructor will cover tap vocabulary and steps, dance routines and combinations, as well as warm up and stretching exercises. Bring tap shoes or leather soled shoes.

Art Class
We will work on various watercolor techniques, styles and creativity, as well as watercolor skills such as mixing colors and important composition elements. The program also stresses the concepts of fine art and provides children with the tools to help them succeed in various art projects. All materials are provided by the instructor.

Knitting Class
Children will learn how to knit useful, fun projects! The class will be using different sized needles and yarn for different effects. Students first learn basic knitting. The class will begin with a simple project, then students will advance at their own pace to more exciting and challenging projects throughout the course. The class is designed for beginners. Bring your needles and yarn.

Spanish Class
This program is great for both students with or without some prior Spanish exposure.
The program hosts an interactive learning environment that teaches young children to speak Spanish through play time activities, such as singing, drama, stories and games. This new, non-conventional method of teaching is both enjoyable and effective. All materials are provided by the instructor.

French Class
This dynamic and entertaining class is designed for all levels. Lessons will be structured around learning and practicing French through songs, games, and activities. There will be lots of repetition for children who have never learned French, and the immersion-style French program will create many opportunities for children who know some French to practice speaking. All materials are provided by the instructor.

Chess Class
Beginning July, students wishing to build an opening repertoire and develop endgame skills are welcome to join and play with other players. Thinking skills, visualization approaches, and the unification of strategy with tactics will be the focus of this study. Chess boards are provided by the instructor.

Also find more info about our summer program here: DETAILS

Eleonora Nayberg



Our first ever Talent Show held on Friday, April 3rd, was a great success!
Everyone did a fantastic job at whatever talent they displayed! We would like to thank our fabulous (and very talented!) participants!

WE have so much talent in our school!
YOU have a lot to be proud of!

We also would like to thank those parents who helped to decorate the room before the show, and clean up after it!

For your copy of a complete show DVD,
please contact our school at (415) 665-5467!



May Updates

Just a reminder, that we’ve put together an awesome DVD with the best moments of our Talent Show 2009.Buy your copy of it today. You will not only support our school’s fundraising purposes, but REALLY ENJOY your child in the show (especially, in a year or two from now!).Details in a School Newsletter.

At the end of the school year, one of the classes of all our after-school activities is usually presented as a demonstration lesson with parents invited to observe.
You may come even if your child is not signed up for class: this will give you an idea of what your child could do after school next school year.

Dance Class
Demonstration Class is on Friday, June 5th at 3:30pm

Chess Class
Demonstration Class is on Wednesday, June 3rd at 3:30pm

Spanish Class
Demonstration Class is on Thursday, June 4th at 3:30pm

Art Class
Demonstration Class is on Friday, June 5th at 4:30pm

Chinese Class
Demonstration Class is on Wednesday, June 3rd at 4:30pm

Math Class
Demonstration Class is on Friday, June 5th at 2:30pm



It is hard to believe that we are making plans for the last day of school…. It feels that only yesterday I wrote you a welcome to the new school year letter….
It has become a good tradition to invite a professional performer for our last day of school. This year we are going to see The Amazing Science Wiz Show performed by Benny Buettner and Bebe Conrad of Magic Circus.
Benny is the co-founder of Magic Circus, and he has over 20 years professional experience in Europe and America. He was featured in several films, including Dr. Dolittle, The Princess Diaries and on TV in Nash Bridges. In Stockholm he initiated projects for children such as "Video Now" and "Anti Drug Theater" for the Swedish Government.
Bebe is the co-founder of Magic Circus with over 15 years professional experience. She directed "Tricksters the World Over". She has co-directed several productions for Magic Circus, as well as other productions in New York and San Francisco. She is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and has appeared in Dr. Dolittle and several international film/TV productions.

Check out here what kind of show we will see:

*Check school email for details*

Eleonora Nayberg

Spring Talent Show at our school in April 2009


October 2008

Our school was honored by the visit of representatives from the Consulate General of the Russian Federation, the Russian Center of San Francisco, and the San Francisco’s Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services.


Начало Нового Учебного Года!

2 Сентября 2008. В нашей школе в Сан-Франциско все с нетерпением ждали этого дня. Это был настоящий праздник для учеников, родителей и учителей. Букеты цветов, улыбки и даже выступление кукольного театра.

Перед нашими ребятами открылась новая необыкновенная страна - страна Знаний. Первое знакомство с преподавателями и с новыми друзьями, первый урок и первая перемена - всё это напомнило мне 1 сентября в мои школьные годы... с огромными гладиолусами( больше меня ростом), накрахмаленными белыми фартуками и огромными бантами.

Так и сегодня мы чувствуем тоже волнение только уже через наших детей.

Здравствуй, школа! Снова осень.
Вновь зовёт учебный класс.
Мы учителя попросим
Увести в мир знаний нас.

Мы за лето отдохнули,
Подросли, набрались сил.
- Дети, вы готовы к школе? -
Наш учитель нас спросил.

- Мы пришли сегодня в школу,
Чтобы научиться жить,
Быть помощниками дома,
Крепко дружбой дорожить.

Мы без знаний жить не сможем,
Очень нам нужны они.
Станем мы полезны людям,
Мы – хозяева Земли!

Чтоб над нашею планетой
Вечно солнышко светило,
Чтоб всегда смеялись дети,
Мы пришли к тебе, УЧИТЕЛЬ!

Светлана (мама Максима Х.)